
Azine Davoudzadeh, Founder

Award Winning Educator, speaker and thought leader in the XR Education space. She has been teaching and creating curriculum for over a decade and has experience implementing innovative ways of learning. For her Master’s in Educational Leadership, she researched how Virtual Reality effects middle school girls future career choices as well as learning outcomes in writing. She is looking to find ways to encourage young women to become more interested in XR. Currently, she teaches XR for Social Good and VS.Net at Dougherty Valley High School. https://www.linkedin.com/in/azined/


Vincent Pascual, Designer

Vince is a user experience designer developing enterprise collaboration software for one of the top computer networking companies in Silicon Valley and has experience in the XR related space. In addition to working in the digital space his background is in industrial design, which includes work in consumer products, medical devices, research robotics, and concept development for future technology

Neha Vinjapuri, President

Neha is a freshman at Stanford University experienced in Game Development, VR Development, UI/UX Design, and Animation.
She is passionate about bridging the gap between technology and art, increasing female involvement in STEM fields, and improving education through immersive technology.
She is one of the most important members of XR EDU and led the team in winning the Samsung Solve for Tomorrow National Contest.