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“Exercising” Video Games and virtual reality onto fitness

Sirisha Velavan

Most of our world shares hatred for a common task: exercising. A challenge for most people who seek a healthier lifestyle. As our world is modernizing, there is less of a need for manual work, resulting in unhealthy lifestyles. 

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THE medical uses of virtual reality

Alisha manocha

With COVID-19 rapidly spreading throughout the world, caring for patients and gaining experience as a doctor has become increasingly difficult for healthcare workers and medical students. However, virtual reality is helping them work towards creating a virtual environment closest to what they would experience on a normal day prior to the breakout of the coronavirus.

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how covid-19 will effect virtual reality

Vishruth bharath

The coronavirus pandemic has no doubt affected hundreds of millions of people around the globe. One of the most significant effects of the quarantine to contain the pandemic is the changing social dynamic. Schools are out for who knows how long, and most office jobs are now work-at-home, and video-conferencing has become the primary mode of communication. Virtual Reality, a rapidly developing field of technology, also has played and continues to play an instrumental role in keeping people connecting in a remote world.


opportunities in quantum computing

vishruth bharath

Quantum computing is a rarely talked about topic in an everyday setting. It’s commonly regarded as a reserved topic to researchers, professors, or engineers, but many don’t realize how many quantum applications affect their daily lives. From smartphones to laptops, some part of the quantum field is integrated into almost every new electronic device that is available to the consumer market. Even though many of these applications are relatively smart, we do have something to look forward to in the upcoming years. We could potentially expect to see quantum computing in a wide variety of business sectors, ultimately into all aspects of the average consumer’s life. 

The FuTure of company - blockchain

Mitali mittal

Cybersecurity is a very fast growing field in Computer Science, especially since hackers continue to become more powerful and much smarter, and the need for protection from these hackers also continues to grow. One of the well-known technologies in the field of Cybersecurity is Blockchain, a software that is mainly used as a database to keep track of financial transactions. This is how Blockchain works: when a user needs to make a transaction, they submit a request for one.

New AI Technology Fueling Race for Covid-19 solutions

Surbhi Kumar

As COVID-19 continues to overtake the lives of many across the globe, and cases escalate in their size and magnitude, it becomes increasingly imperative that a solution is needed in order to battle the ongoing pandemic. Many pharmaceutical companies, such as Pfizer and Moderna, urgently work to create a distributable and effective COVID-19 vaccine.

The Growing Use of VR Education in the Post Covid-19 Era


In today’s day and age, most of us are familiar with VR (virtual reality) and AR (augmented reality), whether seeing it’s futuristic capabilities on screen in movies like Ready Player One, using AR for Snapchat filters, or playing realistic games on the Oculus Quest. In fact, the use of AR and VR has only increased through the pandemic when people have been quarantined by stay at home mandates. Jon Chenney, the co-founder and CEO of AR-based company Seek, wrote that since March 2020, AR usage has increased nearly 600% for their client’s websites.

Cellular Biology and Virtual Reality: vLUME as an Eye for Scientists

Krish Kapoor

Scientists at the University of Cambridge have recently created vLUME – "a point-cloud based 3D-SMLM data visualization tool able to render all pointillism-based multidimensional datasets". For decades, the analysis of cellular biology has been conducted through microscopes, which provide a limited and 2-dimensional viewpoint of cells.

AIR Carbon

AArushi kodipyaka

Plastic is a problem. The ubiquitous polymer cycles through everything manufactured in this world. Humans have produced more plastic over the last 10 years than during the entire last century. 400 million tons of this non-biodegradable material produced every year. NewLight-Technologies has come up with a solution to our plastic problem. The California-based company has spent more than a decade developing a material called AirCarbon. This functions exactly like plastic but biodegrades within a year.